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Caricamento HeArt

My work as an actor has brought me to many questions and I have found many answers by working on myself. Today I want to make myself available to other "explorers of life".


After various schools and acting academies, I dedicated myself to the four-year academy Global Village  (IUP - Psychosomatic Humanistic Institute) in Bagni di Lucca (LU) graduating as a Psychosomatic Counselor.

At the same time I worked for 2 years as an intern in the company COCREA and subsequently I attended the courses of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, such as Gaia Project and the Wellbeing Project

In parallel with the academic paths, I have been carrying out a spiritual healing path of the Lakota tradition for several years, in particular sweat lodges and sharing circles.

Cultivating my acting career inDel Fuego Artist Management, I had the opportunity to collaborate artistically with masters of the sector, such as Michele Placido, Isabelle Huppert, Riccardo Scamarcio, Tedua, Louis Garrel, Sabrina Impacciatore, Simone Belli, etc.

I am not a therapist, nor a doctor. I don't cure illnesses, but I help people feel better, working on their healthy side and their individual resources. To do this I use techniques of awareness of breathing, meditation and body approach techniques, that is, which use the body as a working tool. The work will be based on the awareness and elaboration of psychosomatic blocks, through body techniques which will then remain with the client to be able to work on themselves individually.

Today I choose to work with artists and accompany them on their personal journey, both in educational moments and in particularly challenging, blocked and/or difficult career phases.

I learned firsthand that artistic work is based on spontaneity, but when expectations begin to arise from it, professional and personal problems often arise.

Deva Agni

Caricamento HeArt

HeArt - Psychosomatic Counseling for Artists

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