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Schermata 2023-12-05 alle 10.21.44.png
Schermata 2023-12-05 alle 10.21.44.png

Identifica i tuoi limiti psico-fisici,libera le tue tensioni croniche& riscopri la tua Energia


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È un intervento limitato nel tempo, strutturato attraverso incontri in presenza o online a distanza.

Workshop HeArt
(to PNEI neuropsychosomatic approach)

Are you going to start working on yourself and evolve into the best version of yourself?


The seminars are divided into various types of approaches for concrete applications to professional needs and are proven to give profound change despite their short duration. Our seminars are recommended for those who are intent on working on themselves, and are an excellent first step on the path of consciousness evolution. They are conducted in a group of up to 12 people and divided into two or more intensive days.


Can I start?


Must be at least 18 years of age; minors are required to have parental or legal guardian power of attorney. Possess sufficient personal stability parameters; verifiable by our team during enrollment.

Individual sessions
(Psychosomatic counseling for artists and entrepreneurs)

Want to find out what forces you to stay in your comfort zone?

A path of psychosomatic analysis in our shadows.

The PNEI Psychosomatic Counseling pathway is what you need: Increased psycho-body and energy awareness, targeted work on psychosomatic blocks (hypo and hyper), personal work, work based on artistic requests, and pre-performances preparation.


Can I start?


Must be at least 18 years of age; minors are required to have parental or legal guardian power of attorney. Possess sufficient personal stability parameters; verifiable by our team during enrollment.

(schools, courses, groups, associations, etc.)

Improve the ecoerence awareness of your employees.


Application protocol "Gaia Project" supported by UNESCO, WHO, MIUR and University of Pisa.


Can my collaborators start?


Yes, this protocol is suitable for everyone without special arrangements.

"....The most difficult thing for you is to explain what work you do, it's indescribable.

You don't know you really need it until you try it for yourself..."

T. (Singer)


Schermata 2023-11-13 alle 21.42.15.png

Gaia Project Protocol


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